Trying to Cross the Sailfish Off the Bucket List
Tuesday the 30th, we had Rick on the boat from St. Augustine. He is an avid fisherman, who has experience fishing both fresh water and salt. Has a boat of his own, just want to try some fishing while he was in town. We were both concerned about the weather due to a tropical depression off of the Gulf, with the forecast constantly changing we decided to head out.
Rick really wanted to cross the sailfish off the bucket list. Seeing a couple reports of sailfish being caught off Fort Lauderdale. We headed out with high hopes, started off trolling planners and strips, hoping for a sailfish or even a big mackerel. We caught a few bointas off the bat, with a couple kings mixed in. We lost one King mackerel around 15lbs, right next to the boat.
Heading Up Current to Catch Sailfish
Towards the end of the trip, Rick saw something jump in the water. It was a Atlantic sailfish breaching on the surface. So of course we headed up current of the sailfish trying to get the fish to bite. We did not get lucky enough to get the sailfish to bite, but Rick got to see his first one. See you in the winter Rick to cross that Sailfish off the list!!
“Spent the morning with Captains Mike and Mike. They really know their stuff and worked hard to see we landed some fish. All in all a great trip. I will return.”
Check out Rics review on Trip Advsior .com or Click Here