April 12th 2017
Today we had another repeat customer named Joey. He is from Florida and now plays for the Dallas Cowboys. Joey and his football buddy’s have already set the bar high with a great day of Sail fishing weeks before. Joey booked a 4 hour fishing charter for him and his 2 buddy’s. They now want to catch Mahi Mahi, that was targeted fish of choice. We had the bait, current, and wind so of course we are going directly for the kite fishing. On this day we had a East wind which can be great for Dorado Fishing. The Eastern wind normal pushes the Mahi Mahi towards the beach along with the cleaner water. The seas were a little bit choppy on this Morning, but it was nothing the Good Hit could not handle.
We set the kites in 350′ of water, with a good east wind we put the bow of the GH into the wind. Fishing 6 kite baits and no flat lines on this run. Today’s current was 3kts towards the north, faster than normal for this area. Our baits today were Goggles Eyes on the longs, Thread Fin Herrin on the middles and Cigar minnows on the Shorts.
We knew that the wind would push us toward the beach so we started deeper than normal. Unlike other trips, we had to work hard for a bite on this one. Not getting any bites for the first 2 hours and constantly changing and checking the live baits. Finally into our 3rd hour we got Joey the bite he was looking for. It was his first Mahi Mahi, not a monster but the targeted species.
After a few photos we managed our spread and hooked up a few more live baits into the spread. We still needed a few more fish for the rest of the crew, they were having a team gathering and really wanted some fresh fish for the party.
We ended up landing the boys 2 more Mahis, putting each guy on their own fish. Finally the plan came to together late in the 4th quarter, with seconds left on the clock. Go Cowboys!!!
“Mike and Mike are unreal, we wanted Sailfish we got Sailfish. We wanted Mahi, we got Mahi, these guys are good.”
Come see us anytime Joey, and good luck on your Journey!!
Check out Joeys Review on Trip Advisor or Click Here
Captain Mike (954)-629-7336
Email -mike@goodhitsportfishing.com
Instgram @ Goodhit_Sportfishing
Facebook @Goodhitsportfishing
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